Our Services

Abundant and Empowerment
Life Coaching

Let's break through excuses, build confidence, and shift your paradigm to create the life you desire in your business, relationships, finances, and more. 

Do you to desire to break through to the next level? You don't want to get stuck living a good life, but you want to live a GREAT LIFE!

Do you feel like there are some major moves you need to make to shift your life, but you don't know where to begin, you continue to find a reason to procrastinate, you lack the confidence, you need accountability, or you just can't find the time to do anything? 


If you're looking for:


Our coaching model will keep you accountable to your goals so you can maximize the optimal life of your dreams.

A new strategy to build wealth

Our coaching model will cater to you and your needs to ensure you do the work to gain success. 

More confidence in yourself 

Imposter syndrome is real. If you need an extra shot of confidence to fully build wealth and overcome obstacles, schedule a consultation now. 

Great News. We can help with that.

Here's why! I've been there and done that. I've had to work my work through teenage pregnancy, welfare, and later invest in my education and coaches to create a life that was meant for me. I have helped business owners gain clarity, increase their revenue, and overcome their challenges through researched based coaching strategies. 

All we've got to do is get started.

Le'Andra Metzger, Travel agent

"I knew I needed to invest in a coach to help redirect my life. I found that.

Lakishia Sheray's coaching helped to reframe my thinking and vision for my family, business, and career. I found the drive, consistency, and confidence to hit a homerun in my travel business and my career while balancing family life. 

sylvie finally starter her own biz

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Is This Right For You?

You need to finally make time...

Obstacles hold you back...

You want to be and do more...

You're so tired of being stuck...

You're ready for an incredible life...

sound good?

Then Let's Do This.

If you said yes to anything on that list, then now is your time. It's not about what didn't work in the past and not about making excuses. Put on your big girl pants and let's get the job done. I am here for you, boo!

inquire with us